DreamSmart Group Whistleblowing System
DreamSmart Group Whistleblowing System
DreamSmart Group adheres to the core value of "F.I.R.S.T. (Forward, Infinite, Realistic, Sophisticated, and Togetherness)", places high importance on integrity construction and compliance management, commits to conduct business in accordance with the applicable ethical, moral, and legal standards, and demands every employee to comply with laws and regulations, ethics and moralities during their works. Reports We Accept Reports on illegal or non-compliant activities that violate laws or the DreamSmart Group's policies, causing damage or potential risk the Group, concerning current or former employees, outsourced personnel, or business partners related to the Group such as suppliers, dealers, channel partners, distributors, customers, and bidders. If you have any queries or complaints regarding the services and products of DreamSmart Group, please feedback through the official customer service channel. ( contact us ).What to report onDreamSmart Group accepts reports on the following violations, including but not limited to: Behaviors that violate laws and regulations or constitute a failure of the Group to comply with any legal or regulatory obligations;Violation of the Group's code of conduct or other policies;Dishonesty, fraud, or corruption (including bribery and kickbacks);Coercion, bullying, harassment, persecution, or discrimination;Unauthorized use of funds or resources of the Group, abuse of authority;Divulging trade secrets of the Group;Failure to declare conflict-of-interest as required , orany conflict-of-interest occurs;Misleading or deceptive (including questionable) accounting, financial reports, or audit work issued by the Group or affecting the Group;Circumstances that may harm the company, its employees, or business partners, including unsafe work practices, environmental damage, health risks, or wastage of resources of the Group;Circumstances that may cause economic losses, reputational losses , or other damage to the Group;Involvement in any other forms of serious misconduct;Intentional concealment of any of the aforementioned behaviors or circumstances.How to reportYou can submit your report via the following methods:E-mail: ethics@dreamsmart.com Official website: report using the whistleblowing system on the Group's official websiteCall: 021-6475 9002 / 130 8581 0281;Mail to the following address: Department of Internal Control & Audit, Floor 6, Building No. 1, Zhongteng Tower, No. 2121, Longteng Avenue, Shanghai, ChinaWe expect employees and other relevant parties to report honestly and ethically, and to provide well-founded declarations and supporting evidence. The Group encourages whistleblowers to disclose their identity when reporting and promises to keep all reported information confidential. Any form of retaliation against whistleblowers or entities and individuals cooperating in the investigation will not be tolerated.All reports will be followed up and processed by the Group's Department of Internal Control & Audit . If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact ethics@dreamsmart.com .
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